Sunday, July 6, 2008

Marathon Drama

I was going to make it a lucky number 3 and run the St George marathon again this year but me and a few women in my running group didn't make the cut. Its a lottery marathon and they only take 7,000 people and there were 10,500 that registered this year! Its been kind of a bummer but to have a goal and run a marathon this year me, amanda Giles and Jenn Boyer signed up for the top of Utah (Logan) Marathon. It will be a good change. The training has got me completely exhausted we are training a lot harder this year and I am going to use it as an excuse as why I haven't updated my blog for so long!! Its not a good excuse, but it seems like as soon as I get my kids settled down I crash also! The 5 O'clock runs every morning sure catch up!


Dixie & Anne Leavitt Family Events said...

You really are so amazing! I can't even imagine the energy it takes to train for something like that...let alone at 5 am! That is more ambition than I can ever start to comprehend! Good luck in Logan! You will do wonderful!

Ralaina said...

What beautiful kids! I am so glad to have your blog address. I even tried blog stalking to find you and didn't find anything. I saw Hayley and Jalene on the 4th of July and they gave me your address so lets keep-in-touch! I am so jealous of your vacation. You look so awesome!

Larsen Lowdown said...

Yah!! I am so proud of you for updating your blog!! It was fun seeing you this weekend! ---rob

Brittni Schroeder Photography said...

Good job for updating...but give the people want they want! Pictures of the cute family! Love ya!

Kim said...

Go Cassie! I heard that you're an awesome runner. I'm just glad that my 1/2 marathon is almost over. I don't think I ever want to run more than five miles again in my life.

kel said...

All I have to say is, you're nuts!!! But great job being able to run a marathon. Your family is adorable.